Site Migration Taking Place in August!!!!


Site Migration
Taking Place in August???? SOON

Well... After about ~10 months, we raised enough money ($1,492.84) to upgrade and migrate the site into a new version of the current platform and onto a new, updated server that can handle it. We didn't raise the $3K I was originally thinking we needed, but after working with our development team to keep costs down on site hosting that would have increased and cutting out some less used modules, we are able to make this happen. (Mind you, we still have other monthly/yearly bills that we pay, e.g., site hosting, LLC filing, tax filing, etc., so it is important that we keep funds in the bank to cover these costs and other unforeseen costs as well. (See this link for the 2022 Financial Summary for a list of expenses and their costs:

We plan to migrate the site around the middle of August. At that time, I will let you all know when the site will go down and approximately when it will be back up.

A BIG THANK YOU to all who were able to donate to make this happen!

For more info on the Save the BRS! fundraiser, please visit:
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UPDATE: We’re getting close. Looking like maybe this month. Developers are working out the bugs on the test site.
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Right now, the developers are working on the trophy/medals (Donor Footprints and Winter Challenge Snowflakes). After that, there will be some testing on the test site. Then we will launch hopefully soon after that. Sorry for the delay.
The development team has been stuck on a couple of the main modules (Chapters and Awards-Donor Footprints & Winter Challenge Snowflakes). Hopefully, they will find a workaround soon. sigh

In the meantime, we’re looking for some members to volunteer to test out the new site to catch any bugs that should be fixed before it goes live. If you can help in this way, please either post below, or email me at BarefootTJ

Thank you, and sorry for the delay.
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Reactions: Mark Halstead
Site Migration
Taking Place in August???? SOON

Well... After about ~10 months, we raised enough money ($1,492.84) to upgrade and migrate the site into a new version of the current platform and onto a new, updated server that can handle it. We didn't raise the $3K I was originally thinking we needed, but after working with our development team to keep costs down on site hosting that would have increased and cutting out some less used modules, we are able to make this happen. (Mind you, we still have other monthly/yearly bills that we pay, e.g., site hosting, LLC filing, tax filing, etc., so it is important that we keep funds in the bank to cover these costs and other unforeseen costs as well. (See this link for the 2022 Financial Summary for a list of expenses and their costs:

We plan to migrate the site around the middle of August. At that time, I will let you all know when the site will go down and approximately when it will be back up.

A BIG THANK YOU to all who were able to donate to make this happen!

For more info on the Save the BRS! fundraiser, please visit:
I hope this gets more people for our barefoot community!
We have a few volunteers, but the more the better, right? If you can, please help out by either posting below, or emailing me at BarefootTJ
We’re working on one last issue having to do with the Language Chooser module. Once that gets resolved, we’ll be ready to migrate to the new version. We’re getting close!

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped probe the test site to find bugs!

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