Hi :) Liesl here from Wylie, TX


Oct 1, 2010
Hi everyone, I’m Liesl (lee-syl) and I’m a new barefoot runner from Wylie, TX (about 45 minutes NE of Dallas)

Ran track and cross-country barefoot in South Africa when I was in high school 21 years ago, but once I left school I stopped exercising. Shame.

My husband Brian started running a year ago (he used to run as a teen too & when he was in the Army several years ago). I thought I couldn't do it because I have had trouble with my back since our first son was born, so I started (recreational) cycling instead. Then in April this year, Brian ran 10K in a relay team at the Oklahoma City Marathon... as I stood at the finish line watching people of all sizes and ages crossing I wondered to myself why I couldn't do it!? I'm almost 40 and I'm not running!? Why? :) I used to love it all those years ago, I wanted to run again, I wanted to be one of those people crossing the finish line next year!

That week upon returning home I began the 'couch to 5K' program just as my husband had. To my surprise my back did not hurt at all. Went to a specialty running store to get fitted for shoes, because that is what everyone does right? But... right from the start my fancy Nike's did not feel right - you can’t take them back to the store after you’ve run a mile down the road. Amazing that after 20+ years, I still knew how it felt running barefoot and running in shoes was just horrible, like feeling trapped and tied down. I kept getting hurt too, severe shin pain, strained muscles, sciatica... causing me to take weeks off between trying again. I knew I had to take my shoes off and noticed people talking more and more about VFF’s so I got some Bikilas and ditched the Nike’s.

I had read about doing too much too soon, but I am barefoot 99% of the time indoors & outdoors. I figured I would be OK, not to mention I did not get very far on C25K because of stopping for injury anyway. But once I put the Bikilas on I was flying (as fast as my untrained self could that is) felt like a teen again and back at it for two weeks, almost up to 3 miles and wouldn’t you know it ‘top of foot pain.’ Both feet! So bad, I thought I might have broken something. I also had what felt like bruised heals and plantar fasciitis. (It may not have been pf because it healed in a couple of weeks though)

A whole month off from running, we went to Colorado on vacation and did an unexpected hike with flip-flops (when I have to wear shoes, that is all I wear) a couple of miles up very rocky terrain to a waterfall (avatar pic, Great Sand Dunes National Park / Zapata Falls). That felt great and I knew my feet were well enough to start running again.

* Now for the past month I’ve been running with no shoes, up to 2 miles and wondering why I didn’t just do that in the first place. No pain, I just have to stop myself from going too far and I am really slow - it will be a long time before I’ll participate in any race... I just want to run injury free for a while first before speeding up or going much farther.

I have already stepped on glass, a total surprise as I do watch carefully where I’m going... my feet are quite tough already and I can handle small stones and rough streets.

I’ve also been scolded by a neighbor already, he was not being friendly as he shouted at me, “You need to get a good pair of running shoes!” I smiled and shouted back, “No thanks, these are the best!” as I pointed to my feet. Felt silly afterwards, should have had a better come-back. Like, “Dude, do I look like I’m 12? Don’t tell me what to do!” LOL What do you all say to comments like that anyway?

This is probably boring (and far too long) to most of you as you run far and fast and have for a long time. I just felt like finding a place online to go to for advice and encouragement and this looks like a sweet hang out :) Besides, I hope to run in a race someday and I really want to do it barefoot... hoping to find others in N. Texas doing the same.

edit: * Ditched the VFF's too by the way, still tend to hit the ground with my heal too hard with them on. I did run in them a couple of nights ago and it was not as much fun as barefoot.
Welcome! Don't worry about

Welcome! Don't worry about being new, most of us are. I'd say on average most people who post frequently have been doing this for a year or so if not less. Also, there are a couple of threads around here on good comebacks.
Thats actually a really good

Thats actually a really good comeback. We're all born wearing the best possible running shoes. Most people on this site are fairly new to BFR really. A year to a year and a half is probably about average. Also I notice that most people on here either run really far or really fast (and then there are those of us who do neither), but very few do both.

Glad you found your way back to barefoot running after all these years. When I saw that you got some vibrams I thought "No!" But I'm glad to hear you ditched them, especially since you used to run barefoot. (No offense to minimal runners, vibrams are far better than normal shoes, but it would still be sad to see someone who had run barefoot before not go all the way back.)
Welcome, Liesl,  You're in

Welcome, Liesl, You're in the right place for all the support you will ever need.

Ken Bob has a fantastic comeback, "I was born this way." He said after hearing people ask him literally thousands of times, "Where are your shoes?" he started to believe that maybe he was the only one born without them.
Hello and welcome! Wow..thats

Hello and welcome! Wow..thats cool you have a history with barefoot running. Im sure you'll do great

Welcome :)
Danjo, it's funny... when I

Danjo, it's funny... when I went to Lukes Locker to get my VFF's the sales lady tried to steer me away from the VFF's and insisted I try on the Nike Frees. Augh! They are horrible (imo) I didn't even have to walk around in the store to know I wouldn't be able to run in them, the heal is raised and very hard. She was quite perturbed that I was determined to walk out of the store with VFF's. I wonder what she would think now if she new I have pretty much ditched them too.

Well, I won't throw away the Bikilas altogether if I have to run in the dark, I'll use them - after stepping on glass already, I think I better not run barefoot in the dark.

Thanks everyone, you're all very kind. Guess I should be used to 'smart aleck' comments, I've been homeschooling for 10 years so I've had to take flak for a long time LOL
Welcome!  Welcome! Good for

Welcome! Welcome!

Good for you on too many counts to detail. Don't feel at all shy or hesitant to shine here. I think that there are a lot of new members just since the beginning of September when the registering process was made open and spontaneous. No one will give you grief about your speed, milage or style preference, I just about guarantee. The community supports runners who are anywhere on the BF or BF sympathethic - Minimalist spectrum.
Glad you've joined the crew. 

Glad you've joined the crew. These folks are a great sounding board and source of many solutions to common BFR problems. I'm also new to BFR after 25 years of heel-striking in New Balances, a running career launched and then demanded by the Army for many years. I kept it up after I got out as a quick, cheap way to stay in shape, but it was wearing my joints out. I can run again barefoot (or in the VFFs, which I also use for protection, whether in the dark, on known bad terrain or to keep pace with running partners whose pace is too fast for my barefoot development to date). I hope you get as much out of this group of fellow runners as I do.

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